You can learn more about the physical aspects of this rare eclipse on August 21st, 2017 HERE.

Can’t make it in person? Join us live online (pay whatever you want). Sign up ahead of time (free) and then tune in at CONCERT WINDOW. Click HERE.



August 18, 2017.  3 days until The “Energy Eclipse.”


The energy between the full moon on August 7th and the Total Solar “Energy Eclipse” on the August 21st is an incredibly powerful time for intention setting.

This is the time when you either use the energy that is happening, or let it use you.

It’s better to work with it consciously.

Focusing on what is right and good today is a great way to use the power that is happening right now, rather than letting it use you.

The old rule is that three days before and three days after a moon event contains the power of the moon event. That means that starting today, elements of the Energy Eclipse will be showing up.

Expect shadow energy and dark aspects of personality to surface a bit today. The best way to combat such shadow sensations is not to fight them. You can acknowledge that you feel or think dark things, just don’t stay there. Instead, use your powerful conscious mental focus with the energy to transform the energy into useful power.

Often people get stuck focusing on the shadow aspects of their lives. They get caught in addiction, depression, feelings of uselessness, or they go crazy with shopping, sex, or self-abuse.

It is best right now when sensing any negativity to simple shift your thinking to what is going right in your life right now. This is the time, like it or not, for gratitude lists. This is the time to count up ten things you have, rather than what you do not have. Be grateful and transform your shadows into positive uses of the energy.

You will feel the power of the moon and Energy Eclipse right now. What you do with that energy is what matters.

Today, focus on what YOU DO HAVE that is GOOD. Period. That is all it takes right now to turn the shadow into a useful push of positive energy. You don’t have to erase a shadow. You need only bring in a little light to transform it.

If you can’t think of ten things to be grateful for today, count your fingers, toes, eyes, ears, and elbows for starters. Maybe you think that is superficial or silly, but ask people who don’t have these whether or not you should be grateful for having what you have.

Now is the time to let the light shine out around and past even the darkest thoughts and feelings. You don’t need to give into the darkness. It will transform. Experience the light behind it by counting your blessings. Literally. Count things you are blessed to have, or experience, or be, or know. Count a friend, a place to be, the ability to move at all. Remember there are those who do not have such opportunities.

Remember, be conscious of what the energy is, use it, and direct it. That is what you want. Control and apply the energy in this simple way today by counting your blessings and not letting the shadows overtake you. Transform the shadows by seeing the light hidden behind the shadow.


Here are a few additional resources to help you make the most of the Energy Eclipse:

Live Energy Eclipse Gathering

I will be hosting a live event on the evening of the eclipse to help people firmly set intentions into action. This will be an extension of the Full Moon event we gathered for, where our group set intentions using symbolic magic, sound vibration and the energy of the full moon. Join us on August 21st near Phoenix Arizona. Seating is limited; be sure to RSVP.

IF YOU CANNOT BE WITH ME IN ARIZONA LIVE, then you can still join me in our event live, online.  To do that, just go HERE now. Sign up for free and be ready to go on the 21st!

Or go to:  https://www.concertwindow.com/magicallife

Bowlvana Singing Bowl Music

Bowlvana Singing Bowl Music helps calm you, integrate the energies, and attune to cosmic energies from the inside out:


Personal energy work

I do personally work with people long distance and one-on-one in person, for those who sincerely want to work on themselves and with this (and other) energies. I love helping people to get synched up to their path, and unlock their wonders within. You can message me for more information about that at info@wonderwizards.com



You can learn more about the physical aspects of this rare eclipse on August 21st, 2017 HERE.

Can’t make it in person? Join us live online (pay whatever you want). Sign up ahead of time (free) and then tune in at CONCERT WINDOW. Click HERE.




